Indian food that is prepared in a traditional way can be said as the best choice for a balanced diet. A diet which contains all the essential nutritional elements is called a balanced diet. It is said that in order for a person to lead a healthy life he should have a balanced diet everyday. Nothing should be more or less. Indian diet includes more of steamed rice or roti which provides carbohydrate for the body. The food prepared also contain lots of vegetables, dal, saag, yoghurt, and lentils etc which are the sources of various vitamins, minerals, fiber, water, oil etc in order to provide a balance diet. Most of the people now are more health conscious and try avoiding more fat and oil in the food. But still there are many restaurants and hotels serving fat rich luxury items. In this article some of the healthier ways of selecting the best food for the diet are discussed.

Healthier carbohydrates

Make sure that while ordering food in a restaurant avoid ordering fat rich or oil rich Pulao and biryani. Instead, try to have only steamed rice bamati instead of fried items. Never add ghee to this serving of steamed rice. Other than puri, paratha and oil rich rotis try eating ordinary roti, chapati or flat bread which is really oil free and healthy. Naan roti which is baked in special tandoor oven is also a healthy item and the extra ghee or oil coating on the top is to be avoided completely.

Appetizers in a healthy way

All the fried items like samosas, pakoras etc are really tasty and tongue tickling but unhealthy because of its fat or oil content. Salt content will also be more in these fried items. Instead of this select lentil wafers or low calorie pappads and also make sure that these pappads are roasted instead of deep fry. Some of the famous restaurants in Delhi and Gurgaon nowadays serve freshly baked items which are healthy alternatives for appetizers to these fried ones.

Main course items those are healthy

The best and the healthy way to have fresh and good quantity of vegetables are by making delicious curries in a healthy way. Even in these curries do not add creamy sauce or fat containing items in these curries. Dal curry, lentil soup are all the best options for curries available. They can be eaten as they are or form a good combination with rice, bread or roti. Like any other soup dal also has high content of sodium. So avoid eating more quantities of dal also. All curries in the name of kormas, butter masala, makhani etc should also be avoided as they contains heart clogging sauces added in them. Instead have all grilled items of meat or vegetables like tandoor items or tikka.

Desserts that are healthy

Indian sweets and desserts are all high in milk ghee and sugar contents. If cannot hesitate to have try eating very small portions that too in the intervals of long durations rather than daily or once in a week.

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